Swimming Pool Dangers

Written by Admin, and published on https://www.hg.org/.

Swimming is an excellent form of exercise. But like many activities, swimming in a pool has its downside.

Despite attempts to disinfect the pool, some pathogens may still lurk in the water. And research suggests that disinfectants may pose their own health hazards.

The Dangers of Swimming Pools

A brief explanation of swimming pools, their dangers, and how parents can ensure their children’s safety in and near the water. Every year, 283 children under the age of five are killed in swimming-pool related accidents. Besides this, 2,700 water-related emergency rooms are recorded. Swimming pools can be fun and relaxing, but they are also dangers, especially to young children.

Numerous studies have shown an obvious connection between swimming pools and serious injuries. According to the government, drowning is the second most prominent cause of accidental injury-related death of children between one and 14 years of age. For children between the ages of one and four, the government considers drowning the number one cause of injury-related deaths.

While these statistics are tragic, not all swimming pool related injuries are fatal and steps can be taken to avoid them. Swimming pools pose a variety of dangers – not just drowning. In 2009, 564,000 people were prevented from drowning by a life guard. Unfortunately, not all pools have life guards. Electrical defects, slippery sidewalks, ladders, diving boards, slides, and other hazards can easily cause fatal or non-fatal injuries. There have been several cases of children who have been severely injured, or even disemboweled by public pool drains.

When a victim survives a swimming pool injury, it may take a great deal of time for them to recover. In fact, some injuries, such as disembowelment, will have life-long ramifications. Many victims of serious injuries suffer from severe emotional and psychological scaring as well. Swimming pool injuries, especially serious ones, can often times be avoided. In order to make sure that a child or other person is not injured in a pool, tell them to never play near drains of suction outlets – even in small, “kidding pools” and hot tubs. If a pool has a loose, broken, or missing drain cover, do not enter the pool. To prevent drowning, make sure that pools are surrounded by fences to keep children from falling into them.

Removing floatation devices and other pool toys from the water may discourage children from going near the water. The presence of toys may encourage them to enter the pool without adult supervision. While on vacation, be sure to inquire about the safety precautions recreation centers, parks, and hotels have taken to make sure their pools are safe. Adults must never leave a child alone near a pool, even if it is a public pool and the child can swim. Even children and adults who are adept swimmers can suffer injuries a pool, but accidents can be avoided if the proper precautions are taken.

Original post here https://ift.tt/2SYAfCk.

The post Swimming Pool Dangers appeared first on Total Pool Safety Solutions.

from Total Pool Safety Solutions https://ift.tt/3nXClAi


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